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Benefits of Meditation

Daily meditation can improve your overall health and wellbeing

We strongly believe that taking 20 minutes a day to meditate and reflect inwards, in peaceful and safe surroundings; will reduce your stress levels and boost your confidence. Meditation is a perfect antidote for:

  • Stress


  • Depression


  • Anxiety


  • Exhaustion


    Write your caption here
  • Weight Gain

    Weight Gain

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Establishing a consistent meditation practice can help to reduce the above symptoms, it has also been linked to weight-loss.

Most of the time we live life on autopilot and tend not to think about the foods we are choosing to eat, or we find that there is not enough time in the day to cook and we choose the quick and easy option. 

When you commit yourself to a daily routine of meditation, it will inevitably lead you to consider what you choose to nourish your body with and moreover, you will find that you choose the healthier options. 

One of the other concepts around weight-loss and meditation is the fact that we produce a stress hormone called Cortisol that has been linked to weight gain. incorporating a meditation routine into our day, will help to naturally reduce the cortisol hormone levels in our system. 

High cortisol levels will prompt our bodies to store calories as fat, therefore, introducing daily meditation can dramatically reduce weight-gain and can even become part of a focused weight-loss initiative, which has often been associated with improving overall self-esteem and confidence.

Meditating on a daily basis also has emotional well-being benefits, it allows us to take a moment to contemplate how we are feeling about our current situation, consequently helping us to manage our emotions in a constructive way. 

Pursuing kindness and compassion through meditation, will allow you to respond to other people’s emotional states with empathy, giving you better relationships with people.  

We are creatures of habit and it is typical for us as to feel anxious about the future or to have negative reactions to past events, meditation helps you to be in the present moment, where none of your fears of anxieties reside. You will find that it easier to cope with stressful situations, if you have trained yourself to be in the present as much as possible.  

There are also spiritual benefits to your well-being, when you start to meditate on a regular basis it allows you to explore the inner sanctum of your mind. Equanimity is what you are aiming to achieve when you embark on a spiritual path, along with feelings of inner peace, a direct connection to the oneness and enlightenment. 

You many start to experience synchronicity which suggests that there is more to existence than our five senses allow us to comprehend. Through meditation we seek a deeper connection with the universe, some of the things that you can incorporate into your meditations are:

  • Smudge Stick, White Sage

    White Sage

    Smudge Sticks

  • Palo Santo

    Palo Santo

    Write your caption here
  • Crystals


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  • Incense Burner

    Incense Burner

    Write your caption here

This will help to enrich your surroundings and enhance your experience. 

Meditators have been known to experience a “Spiritual Awakening” when having a regular daily meditation practice. The Pineal Gland is a unique and mysterious part of the human body, it can be found in the brain. It is located in the centre of the brain and it is the only part of the human brain to be singular, with every other part of our brains being dualistic with a counterpart in each hemisphere. When we meditate it can cause the pineal gland to become active; this connection alone is fascinating and enough to highlight the importance of Mediation; activating the pineal gland can give you a heightened state of awareness, improved levels of consciousness and is considered by many to be the path toward enlightenment. Head over to our blog on the Pineal Gland to find out more...!

Engaging in a consistent meditation practice will help you to become more in tune with your physique, surprisingly this makes you more likely to take part in activities, and be outside with nature, this is also another benefit to your mental well-being. 

I believe a healthy mind is extremely important, in today’s society we tend to forget about taking care of the mind, the focus seems to be on taking care of your body in various ways like dieting and exercise, when really all we need to be doing is taking care of our minds, as the rest will take care of itself! 

Dr Herbert Benson’s Relaxation Response is the opposite reaction to the fight or flight method. The relaxation response uses repetition by choosing a:





This should then be repeated whilst you are meditating. 

When thoughts enter into your mind you release them and carry on with the repetition. 

This has been wildly studied and practiced throughout the world, it helps to alleviate mild to moderate depression, anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, Headaches and migraines just to name a few, allowing you to feel better!

  • peace


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  • Joy


    Write your caption here
  • Happiness

    Write your caption here
  • exercise


    Write your caption here

There are also scientifically proven benefits to metal health & wellbeing when using this technique Head over to our blog on the scientifically proven benefits of meditation. It is suggested, that to receive optimum benefit from this type of meditation you should practice between 10-20 minutes once or twice a day.

We are advocates of daily meditation practices thanks to the transformative impact it has had on our qualities of life. This coupled with the mounting scientific evidence can only lead to one conclusion….......

Daily Meditations feed the soul by having a direct and positive impact upon Physical Health, Mental Health & Overall Well-Being for any human who takes the time to invest in themselves, by taking a few short minutes each day to still themselves and to focus on the present, to just…be!


We hope you enjoyed our benefits of meditation blog!

By Jennifer clarke October 11, 2021
What a year we have had at Meditation Courses ! It's our ONE YEAR Birthday this week and what better way to celebrate than being nominated for a 'New Business Award'. Looking back over this past year, after I passed my Meditation teaching qualification (with a distinction... #Proud). My goal was simply to help people discover the power of breathing; which is all that Meditation is at the end of the day. Fuelled by my passion for Meditation and strengthened by my own daily Meditation practice; I incorporated Meditation Courses Limited and started working on In a world which had just been struck with a global pandemic! What was I thinking!? Our Beginners Courses proved to so popular that we created 2 follow-on courses: Foundation and Advanced . This gave our learners a natural progression path & empowers those that complete the Advanced Course to facilitate their own Meditation Sessions. Whilst running multiple cohorts of all three of our courses, we also worked towards gaining 'Recognised Status' from an Ofqual Regulated Awarding Body - achieving that status has helped us to grow as a Training Centre; we can now offer Teacher Training Qualifications As if this wasn't enough, we also managed to secure our first corporate client; whilst juggling our ever increasing workload! I'm excited to report that our corporate client list has steadily grown since then. #Blessed Thanks to the support of my amazing team, I thought that we could still do more!! So... now we run a free event once a month called 'OMM' Open Mic Meditation . OMM was started to give Industry Experts , Advanced Course Graduates & our newly trained Meditation Teachers a platform to deliver their Meditations to a live audience. These experts can practice what they love! once a month, delivering guided meditations to members of the public; for free! Anyone can join as an audience member, without charge; via EventBrite , by booking directly with us or by booking via one of the featured experts. I will forever be grateful to my leaners; who have embraced my teachings and given me the strength to carry on when the load seemed too much. I am super grateful for the team around me. I am also so grateful that we have achieved so much, in such a short space of time. We will keep thinking of innovative ways to bring Meditation to as many people as we can. There are several 'plans in motion' which we are excited to be working on... watch this space! So to sign off... THANK YOU! for the recognition of being nominated for this award. THANK YOU! for shortlisting us as finalists!!! We are up against some really strong competition for this award, so we are feeling blessed to be in such good company.
By Stephen Clarke August 23, 2021
Jennifer is excited to share with you this published article, combining her Meditation experience with her experience of Motherhood and Pregnancy. it is lovely to be given the recognition as an expert in her field by the lovely people at OM Magazine. You really should consider one of their subscriptions - you never know, you may see Jennifer's words popping up again in future issues.
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