This little gland is unique and centrally placed.
When we are in utero the pineal organ develops on the palate, in the roof of our mouth. Evolution has dictated that this little mystery gland is so very important that our growth pushed the gland up into our heads, protected by a membrane that won’t allow chemicals/hormones such as adrenaline or cortisol to penetrate into the gland. Then we encase the gland with our brains, the most essential part of the human body. Then we further protect the gland and our brains with our skulls.
Whilst we may not, scientifically or intellectually; know fully what this little glands purpose is…from an evolutionary standpoint it can be argued that we have determined this gland to be the single most important part of our bodies and hence we have developed a full protection package for the pineal organ that suggests it is more vital to our existence than any other part of our human bodies!
Chemicals which can pass through the pineal glands protective membrane include Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and Melatonin – all very closely connected with sleep, dreams and visions.
Have you ever heard of the phrase ‘my life flashed before my eyes’ when someone has had a near death experience? It’s highly likely that their body flooded the this organ with DMT in these cases and caused the visions they describe.
So..... is the Pineal Gland the mysterious ‘third eye’ which people have spoken about for millennia? Let’s have a look at the structure of the pineal gland from a scientific point of view…
“This small gland is located in the diencephalon*, and it contains both rod and cone photoreceptor cells (like the human eye!). The pineal photoreceptor cells share great homologies** with retinal photoreceptor cells, including responses to light stimuli.
*The diencephalon acts as a primary relay and processing centre for sensory information
**Similar characteristics due to relatedness are known as homologies
Interesting stuff! A little eye(esq) gland which we have buried deep in our brains…
I would ask you, do you see things when you dream…? I do. When your eyes are closed and you are asleep can you see images, scenes; whole worlds?
Are you utilising this little gland to generate these images? Can you train yourself to ‘see’ with this eye when you are wide awake?
After all the energy waves which enter into your eyes; commonly referred to as light; are really just that. Energy waves. Vibrations of energy which are nothing but ‘data’ until they hit your eyeballs and get converted, in your brain; into images – a process which we call seeing; sight.
When you enter a deep meditative state, which we know alters your brain waves (see my Brain Wave blog for more info on this) are you enabling your magical gland to accept waves of energy? Is this energy light or something else? It would certainly appear that if you are accepting information waves into your pineal gland, that this energy is penetrating your skull, passing through your brain and being interpreted into ‘sight’ akin to the process when you use your eyeballs!
Is this the same thing that happens when you are dreaming and enjoying entire scenes of ‘vision’ with eyes closed and the light off!?
Scientifically speaking; knowing that your standard eyeball vision only happens by collecting and then interpreting light wave energy…. It seems logical that an energetic wave of information (maybe light – or maybe something else?) could be collected and used to produce images in your pineal gland… the gland has the capability, physically; to do this.
We know that everything is just energy and information.
It makes sense, to me; that we have protected the pineal gland (evolutionarily speaking) due to its vital role in the human condition – nature, and more specifically – evolution; are not wasteful forces. We would not invest the energy in growing and providing the utmost protection to the pineal gland if it wasn’t vital.
Is the ability to create actual visions in your ‘mind’s eye’ and to create elaborate dreamscapes evidence that, through meditation; you have the capability to activate and utilise a ‘third’ eye which gathers energy information waves and allows you to exhibit superhuman abilities?
Have you seen the claims from India about the little girl who says that she can ‘see’ with a blindfold on? She is certainly very convincing…she has come from a school of ‘third eye’ experts who claim that she is able to see without using her standard two eyes!