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The Scientific Research Supporting the Benefits of a Daily Meditation Routine!

Meditation has been around for a long time and the benefits are endless, don’t just take my word for it, check out the below section to see what we have discovered, you will not believe it!
  • Sara Lazar PhD - Neuroscientist Research

    Among the most compelling arguments in favour of Daily Meditation providing benefits to humans is research undertaken by Professor Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital. 

    MRI Study

    In her first study on this subject, Professor Lazar utilised a Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine (MRI). 

    The study involved two groups of people; a group who had never meditated before and another group that meditated on a regular basis. 

    The subjects within both groups had their brains scanned using an MRI scanner. It was found that there was more grey matter in the group of meditators than that of the non-meditators. 

    8-Week Mindfulness Stress Reduction MBSR Study

    Following the success of her first study, Dr. Lazar embarked on a second study; involving a group of ‘non-meditators’, with whom she began an 8-week meditation programme. 

    Both before and after completion of their 8-week programme this group then had their brains scanned, Professor Lazar found that after just 8 weeks the brain structure of the subjects had changed. 

    The hippocampus area of the brain had grown. 

    This is significant because individuals who suffer from depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been associated to a small hippocampus. 

    If meditating regularly can increase the size of one’s hippocampus, then meditating can help to alleviate symptoms of depression and PTSD.  

    The MRI scans undertaken by Professor Lazar also observed that areas of the brain associated with:

    • Empathy

    • Creativity 

    • Compassion 

    Which had all been positively affected by the 8-week meditation course. 

    Additional observations made during this study demonstrated that the Amygdala; an area of the brain which can be located towards the front of the structure and which is mainly associated with 

    • Anger

    • Fear 

    • Stress

    was reduced in size as a result of the 8-week meditation course. 

    The MRI scan showed that this part of the brain got smaller, decreasing the grey matter within that section of the brain. As a result of the shrinking of the Amygdala the associated emotions were also dampened. 

    This study, with its use of MRI technology is very compelling as it offers proof that meditation changes brain structure, resulting in direct changes to human emotions. 

  • Dr David R Hamilton PhD

    Neuroplasticity Research

    Dr David Hamilton has conducted research on Neuroplasticity; this being our brains ability to undergo biological changes and cortical remapping. 

    The research provides evidence that the human brain is always evolving and is always capable of both improved and impaired performance; based primarily on the external factors which influence both our thought processes and the physical organ itself. 

    Dr. Hamilton believes that meditating specifically on acts of kindness, produce a biochemical response within our brains, producing a chemical called Oxytocin.  

    The production of Oxytocin, being the direct opposite to stress hormones; is the leading candidate for the positive impact that Loving-Kindness Meditation has on reducing the attrition of ‘telomeres’.

  • Dr Herbert Benson


    Dr. Herbert Benson a professor at Harvard’s Medical School utilised the Electroencephalograph (EEG) to monitor brain activity when subjects entered meditative states. 

    Through his studies Dr. Benson was able to measure these brainwaves using the EEG machine to show how our brain waves change when meditating. 

    There are 5 different types of brain waves ranging from high to low. 

    Starting with the highest we have the Gamma waves; these waves are associated with problem solving and normal human consciousness. 

    Next on the scale is the Beta brain wave which is also a high frequency wave which is mainly used when we are busy thinking, actively concentrating and going about our usual day to day activities.  Mediation reduces the frequency of our brain waves, slowing the activity of the brain. 

    When our brain waves reach an Alpha brain wave frequency, we are in a calm and relaxed state, yet we are still alert. 

    When we reach a deep meditated state and are fully relaxed, this is when we activate the Theta brain waves. Retaining consciousness at this brain wave state is a challenge, yet still poses a very realistic goal for most meditation practitioners to achieve. 

    Beyond the Theta frequency we have Delta brain waves; associated with deep sleep and unconsciousness. It is widely accepted that to remain conscious during this state is very rare indeed.  

New Scientist Article

Recent scientific research published on the NewScientist website has also shown that about one in 12 people who have tried a meditation experience have had unwanted, negative effects.

According to the first systematic reviews of the evidence it has been shown that there have been occasions where the meditators anxiety/depression symptoms have become worse and possibly been caused by the commencement of meditation.

It is worth noting that a guided meditation option led by an accredited teacher; is highly recommended and can help to mitigate these negative aspects. Whilst it is important to acknowledge the findings of this study, the sheer weight of evidence to the contrary would strongly suggest that there are significant benefits to humans who adopt a daily meditation routine.

We hope you enjoyed our Scientific Research blog

By Jennifer clarke October 11, 2021
What a year we have had at Meditation Courses ! It's our ONE YEAR Birthday this week and what better way to celebrate than being nominated for a 'New Business Award'. Looking back over this past year, after I passed my Meditation teaching qualification (with a distinction... #Proud). My goal was simply to help people discover the power of breathing; which is all that Meditation is at the end of the day. Fuelled by my passion for Meditation and strengthened by my own daily Meditation practice; I incorporated Meditation Courses Limited and started working on In a world which had just been struck with a global pandemic! What was I thinking!? Our Beginners Courses proved to so popular that we created 2 follow-on courses: Foundation and Advanced . This gave our learners a natural progression path & empowers those that complete the Advanced Course to facilitate their own Meditation Sessions. Whilst running multiple cohorts of all three of our courses, we also worked towards gaining 'Recognised Status' from an Ofqual Regulated Awarding Body - achieving that status has helped us to grow as a Training Centre; we can now offer Teacher Training Qualifications As if this wasn't enough, we also managed to secure our first corporate client; whilst juggling our ever increasing workload! I'm excited to report that our corporate client list has steadily grown since then. #Blessed Thanks to the support of my amazing team, I thought that we could still do more!! So... now we run a free event once a month called 'OMM' Open Mic Meditation . OMM was started to give Industry Experts , Advanced Course Graduates & our newly trained Meditation Teachers a platform to deliver their Meditations to a live audience. These experts can practice what they love! once a month, delivering guided meditations to members of the public; for free! Anyone can join as an audience member, without charge; via EventBrite , by booking directly with us or by booking via one of the featured experts. I will forever be grateful to my leaners; who have embraced my teachings and given me the strength to carry on when the load seemed too much. I am super grateful for the team around me. I am also so grateful that we have achieved so much, in such a short space of time. We will keep thinking of innovative ways to bring Meditation to as many people as we can. There are several 'plans in motion' which we are excited to be working on... watch this space! So to sign off... THANK YOU! for the recognition of being nominated for this award. THANK YOU! for shortlisting us as finalists!!! We are up against some really strong competition for this award, so we are feeling blessed to be in such good company.
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Jennifer is excited to share with you this published article, combining her Meditation experience with her experience of Motherhood and Pregnancy. it is lovely to be given the recognition as an expert in her field by the lovely people at OM Magazine. You really should consider one of their subscriptions - you never know, you may see Jennifer's words popping up again in future issues.
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