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Mums UnLtd Shining Star Business Awards

Award Winner

Mums UnLtd Announces 2021 Shining Star Award Winners

Outstanding Mumpreneurs who deliver excellent business results whilst balancing their family needs, have been recognised in an annual award programme, The Shining Stars. 

The awards were created by Mums UnLtd, a national business networking company that supports Mums to run successful businesses by providing advice, support and business opportunities.

These awards are now in their 4th year and recognised 19 businesswomen from a wide variety of sectors. 

This has been a difficult year for all businesses. 

These women demonstrated their tenacity and innovation to carry their business through COVID.


 Key criteria for winners included clearly demonstrating their business knowledge, experience, creativity, commitment to customer care and strong evidence of business achievements. 

Entries were judged by a panel of business experts and the winners were announced at a gala lunch at The Aubrey Park Hotel in Hertfordshire. Winners travelled from across the UK. 

Local business owner Jennifer Clarke at Meditation Courses Limited was selected to win a Sliver Award.

I am extermly grateful to have been selected to win a Silver Shining Star Award. I would also like to pass on my congratulations to all the other winners.

Meditation Courses is an Ofqual Regulated Training Centre. We help people to start their Meditation journey & also train to become Meditation Teachers.

Debbie Gilbert, author of ‘The Successful Mumpreneur’ and founder of Mums UnLtd, said ‘the Shining Star awards are all about raising the profile of Mumpreneurs who have become the backbone of the UK economy. 

Currently, little is done to showcase their achievements and so we are delighted to recognise them’.

She continued, ‘huge numbers of women find major issues combining full-time employment with raising a family, largely due to rising child care costs and inflexible employers. 

This has seen a significant rise in the number of women setting up a small business in recent years.

Lockdown and Covid rules have proved challenging, but all these women proved how they overcame it and continued to trade successfully.

Mums UnLtd has been supporting Mums in business for over 10 years and offers a wide variety of business training and networking opportunities. 

If you think you have what it takes to win a Shining Star Business Award all the details are below, we wish you luck...

Debbie Gilbert can be contacted 07795 683 598

To watch us receiving the award click below...

Awards Ceremony
By Jennifer clarke October 11, 2021
What a year we have had at Meditation Courses ! It's our ONE YEAR Birthday this week and what better way to celebrate than being nominated for a 'New Business Award'. Looking back over this past year, after I passed my Meditation teaching qualification (with a distinction... #Proud). My goal was simply to help people discover the power of breathing; which is all that Meditation is at the end of the day. Fuelled by my passion for Meditation and strengthened by my own daily Meditation practice; I incorporated Meditation Courses Limited and started working on In a world which had just been struck with a global pandemic! What was I thinking!? Our Beginners Courses proved to so popular that we created 2 follow-on courses: Foundation and Advanced . This gave our learners a natural progression path & empowers those that complete the Advanced Course to facilitate their own Meditation Sessions. Whilst running multiple cohorts of all three of our courses, we also worked towards gaining 'Recognised Status' from an Ofqual Regulated Awarding Body - achieving that status has helped us to grow as a Training Centre; we can now offer Teacher Training Qualifications As if this wasn't enough, we also managed to secure our first corporate client; whilst juggling our ever increasing workload! I'm excited to report that our corporate client list has steadily grown since then. #Blessed Thanks to the support of my amazing team, I thought that we could still do more!! So... now we run a free event once a month called 'OMM' Open Mic Meditation . OMM was started to give Industry Experts , Advanced Course Graduates & our newly trained Meditation Teachers a platform to deliver their Meditations to a live audience. These experts can practice what they love! once a month, delivering guided meditations to members of the public; for free! Anyone can join as an audience member, without charge; via EventBrite , by booking directly with us or by booking via one of the featured experts. I will forever be grateful to my leaners; who have embraced my teachings and given me the strength to carry on when the load seemed too much. I am super grateful for the team around me. I am also so grateful that we have achieved so much, in such a short space of time. We will keep thinking of innovative ways to bring Meditation to as many people as we can. There are several 'plans in motion' which we are excited to be working on... watch this space! So to sign off... THANK YOU! for the recognition of being nominated for this award. THANK YOU! for shortlisting us as finalists!!! We are up against some really strong competition for this award, so we are feeling blessed to be in such good company.
By Stephen Clarke August 23, 2021
Jennifer is excited to share with you this published article, combining her Meditation experience with her experience of Motherhood and Pregnancy. it is lovely to be given the recognition as an expert in her field by the lovely people at OM Magazine. You really should consider one of their subscriptions - you never know, you may see Jennifer's words popping up again in future issues.
By Jennifer clarke January 10, 2021
Recommended Reading List
By Jennifer clarke December 31, 2020
I am kicking off this new year with exciting news! The Business Independent Magazine has done a special feature on me and my business in the January/February Edition page 26.
Frequently Asked Questions Blog
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Benefits of a Regular Meditation Practice
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Find out how meditation can help you in you in your life! Do you suffer from any of the symptoms listed? Let us help you!
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